Montag, 7. Oktober 2013

What to do ... "The BASIS Custom Installlermust be run with Java version: 1.7" when java 1.7 is already installed!

...then open the command prompt and try to execute the *.jar file through something like this :

java -jar *.jar


java -jar BBj1303_10-02-2013_1429.jar

Benefit from the best Windows Desktop app in the world and use Strokey.Net!

Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2013

split BBjString to BBjVector or java.lang.String[]

declare BBjVector myBBjVector!
declare java.util.Iterator vIterator!
myBBjVector!=new BBjVector(java.util.Arrays.asList(new java.lang.String("1,2,3,4").split(";")))
while vIterator!.hasNext()
REM /** .. */


javaList! = java.util.Arrays.asList( new java.lang.String("1,2,3,4").split(",") )
for i=0 to javaList!.size()-1
content$ = javaList!.get(i)
next i

Benefit from the best Windows Desktop app in the world and use Strokey.Net!